Animal-Assisted Therapy

Welcome to a truly unique corner of Reaching Resolution, where our animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program brings a touch of nature’s magic into the healing process. Unlike any other practice in the region, our therapy sessions are sometimes joined by the gentle hops of therapy rabbits, the comforting presence of a therapy dog, or even the curious gaze of a bearded dragon. It’s not just about the novelty; it’s about the profound ways these animals can enhance therapeutic outcomes.

The Benefits: Animal-assisted therapy offers an array of benefits that complement traditional therapy methods beautifully. Engaging with animals can significantly reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and increase overall emotional well-being. For clients, especially those who may be hesitant about therapy or struggling to express themselves, the presence of an animal can provide a sense of calm, encourage openness, and foster a non-judgmental space for healing.

How It Works:

Therapy Rabbits: Imagine a session where a soft, warm rabbit sits by your side, offering comfort and reducing anxiety as you navigate your feelings. Our certified therapy rabbit program is often incorporated by our AAT-trained therapists when teaching relaxation skills, mindfulness, and coping strategies. Their gentle nature can make therapy feel more accessible and less daunting, especially for children.

Therapy Dog: Our therapy dog brings unconditional love into the room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and safety. Trained to bring comfort, engage in play therapy or simply snuggle for petting, the dog can aid in discussions about personal challenges or other difficult topics, making therapy a more inviting experience.

Bearded Dragon: Perhaps the most unexpected of our therapy animals, the bearded dragon introduces a unique dynamic to therapy. Interacting with it can help discuss topics like overcoming fears, boosting self-esteem, and embracing the unusual aspects of ourselves.

Why Choose Animal-Assisted Therapy?

Opting for animal-assisted therapy at Reaching Resolution means stepping into a space where healing is supported by the silent, comforting presence of our animal companions. It’s for those looking for an alternative or complement to traditional therapy methods, offering a unique way to explore emotions, build confidence, and develop social skills.

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